Custom Search

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hunting a room

Today is rather meaningful to me as I was accompanied by 4 of my church friends to help me search room at Bukit Jalil area. It's fun and excited.

First, they picked me up at my house and we had breakfast at Fook Key restaurant. Then, we drove to our first destination, Arena Apartment. One of my colleagues told me to look for ads at the 7-eleven inside the apartment, so, we searched the posted ads and called the contact persons one by one.

We managed to get one reply and visited the small room. I find it ok, but the rent is slightly expensive than what I budgeted for. So, will confirm with her asap. After that, we tour few blocks of that apartment and get even more ads. I really thank God for all my church brother and sisters as they willing to spend time and helped me to scout a room on their weekends! That's the beauty of God's love.

Imagine, I wasn't know much and close to anyone of them. I know 3 of them for about 2 months plus and another sister who I just met today! So, if not by the grace of God and His love, I never imagine that we will meet together and scout room like that situation! Jesus Rock!!!

So, that's about the excited part. Well, what fun do i get from hunting room? First of all, the driver, Simon is humorous and we laughed over few things when we chatting. Then, some of the ads posted are cute. One of it is a typo error - ladies preferred, but it's written as "leadies" on the ads. Hahaha. Then, when we surveyed the double storey house, we saw there is this plastic board stated -- Do not U Turn. Wow, even make a U turn in front of that house also not allow. What a silly and selfish person!!! hahaha...

After scouting few locations, I decided to stop scouting and go home. Then, Rekha said she's hungry and so we had our lunch at Serdang. We ordered the yummy chicken and we called it as "zi bao gai". After lunch, we head back to our house respectively.

As a conclusion, I didn't manage to rent a room yet, but with those experience, I believe I can find the most suitable and reasonable room for myself! Yeah...

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